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Friday, November 29, 2013

How to sell Spanish real estate fast

Default Believe it or not you can sell your Spanish property in a matter of days. The key is to set the right price.

A couple years ago a property selling e.g. in Mallorca for 500K was sold within 2 months, Nowadays the same property will not even sell at 450K, but might stand a change if its priced between 350-400 K.
Many investors and 2nd home owners who bought Spanish property and have to sell would like to close their eyes and wait until their nightmare is over. They are faced with the decision of having to sell their property at a loss.
Most of these investors would rather wait a little longer and see what happens. They might think about the recuperation of the US housing market and they desperately are focusing on the positive economic figures in Europe.
What these investors are disregarding is simple fact of Who in their right minds would want to buy a property which has been in the market since a long time and for the same selling price?. The chances of finding a buyer ar very very slim.

So here a couple tips when selling Spanish property.:

1) Sell at the right price
Try to be realistic when selling Spanish property. If your property is not selling its because of the price.
Lower the price of your property and you will be amased to see what the effects are.
2) Be sharp
When your property comes into the market invest heavly in promoting it. The fisrt couple of weeks are essential when trying to sell the property. The longer your property is in the market the less chances it has.
3) Compare prices
Check what similar properties are selling for and price your property in a competitive way.
4) Seek professional assistance
An estate agent will probably help you filtering potential buyers and curios not wanting to buy buyers.
5) Be calm
When showing a property to a potential buyer do not give him the sensation you desperately want to sell. Do not overly exagerate the positive points of the property.
6) Do not disregard offers
If someone makes you a valid offer, one that is within reason, do not disregard it or you might regret it later on.
7) Using social media and other property portals
Make sure the property is priced the same in all the media and with your estate agent/s.
Having different prices is suspicions and scares buyers off.
8) Using an attractive ad
Properties that do not have pictures do not sell. Aln make so provide good descriptions and if you can make a video presentation.
9) You sold your house, or maybe not.
Let say you found a buyer. Make sure is has the credit to buy it. Make sure he can get a mortgage.
Make sure that when a deposit is paid to in case the sell is canceled. Do not take the for sale sign off until the sell is completed.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Question: Buy property in Spain get Citizenship ?

I read an article that if I buy a home that costs about $200,000 U.S.D. I'll get automatic Spanish Permanent-Residency which I imagine will lead to Spanish citizenship after a few years even though I'm not European.
Is that true ??
$200,000 U.S.D. is a lot of money for one property, is it possible to buy a few properties that add-up to that amount and receive the same benefit ?

I don't know the amount in US dollars but it was 200.000euros and has now been reduced to 160.000 euros whatever that equates to in USD.
This has come into being because the Spanish governmentis desparate for money from abroad and Eu citizens have stopped flooding into Spain with the result that there are thousands of properties standing empty.
There will probably be some other conditions apart from purchasing property. You may find you need to prove that you have an income from outside Spain.
For example, Cyprus gives non Eu citizens residency if they buy a property for 300.000euros, can prove they have an income of at least 30.000euros per year and 5.000 for each dependant. They also have to deposit 30.000 in Cyprus bank which they must leave there for at least 3 years. All of this money must be proven to come from outside Cyprus.
I would imagine there will be similar conditions to getting residency in Spain if you are a non EU citizen although the amounts may be smaller.